Disney's Encanto--Harry Potter with more color
Don't read further if you prefer to know absolutely nothing about a film or book before you watch or read it. I myself prefer other things over the plot, such as how pieces fit together, and what was creator's inspiration. Fixation on only the actions in plot can lead people to ignore other important elements, what famous readers' advisory librarian NANCY PEARL (she's got her own action figure!) calls "the four book doorways" she explains in March 16, 2012 PUBLISHERS WEEKLY https://www.publishersweekly.com/pw/by-topic/columns-and-blogs/nancy-pearl/article/51109-check-it-out-with-nancy-pearl-finding-that-next-good-book.html --character, setting, and language I love in my favorite writers' work (a few are refered to below, linked to this movie). Like many writers, Shakespeare himself is well-known for finding ideas for his own plays in history and other stories, and creatively transforming them, like powerful sorcerer Prospero in his final play...