Episode 10: Reaccion exagerada"

 English subtitles   https://youtu.be/L6ualO9spDs 

 Spanish subtitles   https://youtu.be/ro55IKDhV44

Kurt plays for Rick 2nd audition tape made by Carmen, in which she mostly has her eyes closed (blind) apparently because she didn't want to look at George and the others who she believed (because of Tania's insinuations) all thought her too "humilde" to be in movie.  

RICK (very impressed):  "Esa mujer, Kurt, es una diosa, y no solamente te lo estoy diciendo por su belleza--porque si, si es muy bella, es muy guapa--te lo digo por la forma en lo que canta, Kurt.  Canta con tanta sentimiento que te quedas hipnotizado, te congelas.  No te equivocates en contratarla, Kurt.  You were right.

KURT:  Ey, que bueno que me dices eso, Rick.  Al principio la rechace, por que me parecio muy humilde. 

RICK:  Pero eso es justamente, que yo creo que tu necesitas para tu pelicula, que le ponga una balanza.  Porque Clio Bonet es todo lo contrario.  Y, y yo ella la veo natural, es una mujer, eh, que se ve espontania.  Una mujer sin poses.  No es diva.  Te la voy a robar.  Yes, sir.

KURT:  No, no no no.  Se que eres gran cazatalentos, pero con todo el escandolo con Clio, necesito apoyarme en Carmen mas que nunca.  Es muy importante para mi que ella "enfoca" solamente en mi peli.

RICK:  Si, si, si--you're right.  No te le voy a robar.  Promise.  Pero por lo menos me puedo quedar a la rueda de prensa para conocerla en persona?  KURT:  De veras de vas a quedar por conocerla?  RICK:  Tu me conoces muy bien, Kurt, y tu sabes que yo jamas he abusada de mi posicion para conocer mujeres bellas.  KURT:  Mas te vale, mi Ricky.  Pero fijate que esa diosa ya tiene pareja, y es nada menos que el scritor, no quiero  mas lios amorosas en mi set, capiche?   RICK:  Capiche.  Si se puede cantar, eh?
Looking back after forming tentative hypothesis related to WIZARD OF OZ, seem to find support for theory hinted recently.  Many intriguing points come later in story, but might not have noticed sp,e earlier first time around.   
JUANCHO phones Aurelio:  Que paso contigo, bruto?...Dejame le pienso que hacer.  Vamos.  Ya  le pense.  Jalese pa'aca, compadre.  Asi de facil.

TANIA to soberly dressed Andy & Clio:  Y ustedes de que vienen disfrasados?
CLIO:  Nos dijiste que nos vistieramos de la familia real en horaria de familiar; asi que aqui estamos.
TANIA:  Pues si , pero no de Barbie y Ken Godinez.  CLIO:  Ay, nos vemos increible.

CLIO to Kurt:  Que falta de vision!  No hay nada que ayuda mas a una taquilla que un escandolo.  Eso es perfecto.  KURT:  Vamonos, hay que reciber a la prensa, compartir sonrisas a ver si recuperamos el respecto".   Clio tells Andy to "Shake it", don't let Kurt's stress infect him.   Andy warns her privately, if his father loses financial backing for movie, their relationship is over, which shakes her more than Kurt's lecture.  

Tommy and Lara on their date wear tops that are almost "reflections" in being striped with similar colors, tho his is jacket and hers is handmade crocheted sun top that leaves her arms and shoulders bare, muted compared to his cheerful bold stripes on white background.   Acquaintance of Tommy named Lulu spots him with "naca" (bumpkin) girl and takes photos of the pair (with her cellular in green with geometric design phone case) which she uses to force him to tell her about this girl or she will publish pix of them kissing.  Lulu warns him "ni me voltees, chiquito".

Phrase "getting to know each other" is first used hopefully by Tenoch and Marga; later repeated after he gets carried away and has too much to drink, turning their unofficial first date sour, like Tommy's becomes after Lulu. 
Earlier, Margarita had enjoyed "vueltacito" (spinning or twirling) when dancing with Tenoch. 

Andy gives reasons to his father why he moved across to East LA to live with Tenoch:  he and Leti never got along well, relationship with his half-siblings is weird, he had to take Pedro to his uncle  (not mentioned is Andy's real reason--that he's attracted to Carmen).  George replies in English;  "You've always been the good guy, man". 

Yuli helps Carmen get ready for press conference, comments on her long dress with print that's mostly fuschia pink:  Me encanta ese color en ti.   She tells Yuli she wants to tell George "en persona, verlo en los ojos" that his daughter had gun pointed at her, before he hears from anyone else.  ; Yuli questions if that would be wise.

Juancho and Leti talk, she repeats he can't tell George about debt collectors coming for her.  Juancho counters he won't--if she helps him pay his own debts.  He spits in his palm to "seal deal" with handshake with repulsed Leti.  Carmen sees them and asks why they're shaking hands.   Leti lies that he'd asked her pardon (when in fact, he'd told her to ask his pardon; she exclaimed "I beg your pardon? (Excuse me?!), which he accepts as apology.  

Juancho gets blamed, is fall guy--in past, he may have blamed his misfortunes on actions of others (Carmen cites times he said "something was the fault of a friend of yours, or another friend--now it's Leticia".   Which in this case is true, but he isn't believed perhaps having "cried wolf" too many times before.  Marga tells her brother Juancho that he lacks "Producto de gallina" (see BREAKING OUT OF BEGINNER'S SPANISH for what she's referring to! 

Leti, pretending concern, asks how George took the news (knowing Carmen hadn't told him yet), adding to scare her "no se puso como loco? Cuando le toca a su gente, saca las garras, terrible".  Carmen requests she let her tell him first, Leti praises her intelligence, adding with laugh, that's probably why our relationship didn't work.    

Leti tells Carmen she didn't want to worry George about the home invasion as it is over and everyone's safe.

But then manipulative mom tells Paz that "yo jure" (I swore/promised) I wouldn't say anything to George.  "Me, not you".  (Echos when Tommy told his mom, "you were the one who swore eternal love to Robert--not us", another example of weaseling out of taking responsibility for one's actions, because twins decided to leave with their mom, although technically didn't swear vows.  Words "jure" or "to take vow" bring to mind term "legal loophole").   

Mother and daughter plot in girl's bedroom.  Leti tells Paz to phone George with tale "Todo con lujo de detailles--no mentira--mucho drama.  Quien pega primero, pega dos veces.  (The first to strike has the element of surprise)

Paz acts like she's preparing for a theatrical scene:  Dejame preparar.  (Paces while getting into her role of distraught victim)
Leti:  Inhala, exhala.  Centrate, bien concentrada.  (Leti behaves like an acting coach when Paz is on phone with her dad, miming "gun to head" with her hand, "Casi asasinan a Mommy y a mi!", making thumbs up gesture, facial encouragement.  Paz hangs up abruptly so George is left in emotional turmoil which the pair of schemers know he will vent on innocent Carmen when they meet in studio.  When call is over, Leti praises her "mini me":  Oh my god!  You are amazing, you are gorgeous, you are my daughter, baby!

Heartless Leti and Paz then watch studio press conference, delighted to see reporter's camera catch George's fury:  Daddy esta que no puede de la rabia contra Carmensa--es que ve como se le sale la vena! (you can see the vein throb on his forehead like when the credit card bill comes!)   
LETI:  Sabia que tu papa iba reaciona asi.  El no soporta la idea de pensar que su familia puede estar en peligro.
PAZ:  Y no te da miedo que se entiren que eso tipos legaran no por el tio de Carmen pero por ti?
LETI:  Don't worry, baby.  Cuando trata de sobrevivir, hay que estar a la altura de las circumstancias.   (Leti poses like a model or diva pleased at herself in mirror--throws a kiss to her image in mirror--which has pink neon sign saying "Selfie".  She wears that tiger-stripe dress; in wall background has bold stripes--black & white?)

George:  Kurt, I'm sorry, no puedo estar en la rueda de prensa, ni placticar contigo en este momento, tengo also urgente en mi casa, tengo que irme.... Look, I understand.  Haz lo que tengo hacer.  
Kurt:  Deje sus problemas fuera del set.  No voy a arriesgar mi pelicula ni por ti no por ella! 
George: Tu pelicula?  En este momento no puedo preocupar por tu pelicula.  Lo unico que me importa es mi familia.  

When upset Carmen tells Yuli about George's reaction, her cousin tells her not to stand around doing nothing with arms folded (expression in Spanish is "Brazos cruzados"), but tell him she tried to protect them.  Inside and out (blue railings) Tenoch's restaurant are "X" shaped decorative elements to tie-in with literal meaning of Cruz name.

Carmen runs after George trying to explain, but he turns on her, saying since they came to Los Angeles, she mistrusted him, and now look who's lying;  now he doesn't trust her.  He put his daughter life in danger by looking for happiness with a woman he doesn't really know; getting angry she agrees--he doesn't know her, if he thinks she is like his ex "o como todas las mujeres que has tenido en tu vida".  I'm not with you for your money.

Not incidently, looks like flowers on Tania's and George's desks (latter probably chosen by Leti) may be orchids, parasites that live off larger trees in rainforest.

Rick takes Carmen's side, telling Kurt that George having more experience, shouldn't have had argument in public, then left her to face press conference (full of pirana-like reporters pouncing on any possible scandal).  Tania feels crisis of Carmen was great, diverting attention from Andy and Clio, giving lead role to latter.  Clio thinks Carmen is self centered troublemaker who'd been putting on act of "good little girl" that everyone else believed.    

This episode may be first time Leti and copycat Paz use nickname Car-mensa (insulting verson of Yuli's affectionate childhood nickname for her cousin, Tontota/To'tota/To'to.   In turn, Yuli describes Leti & Paz to Carmen as "Ese par de viboras" that her cousins did all she could to protect from armed men.   As commented before, heroines of both LA MENTIRA and PARIENTES A LA FUERZA may resemble Christ-like figure of title in Dostoyevsky's THE IDIOT, someone perceived by the worldly as "too good to be true", too guileless to be wise.

Heroine of LA MENTIRA Veronica (whose name means "true image"),  has similarities to "innocent abroad" Carmen Jurado in PALF.  Veronica dislikes telling even "white lies" (mentiras piedosas).  Her frank and open personality is often misinterpreted by others whose perceptive powers are warped by their own cynical world view.  Lacking artificial veneer of "polite manners", Veronica is seen by her adoptive aunt/mother Sara (which happens to mean "princess") as aggressive, confrontational, shameless (but other daughter/niece, the vile Virginia, is able to completely pull the wool over the eyes of "tita" Sara by acting docile and demure).

The cousins' uncle/father Teodoro--actually portrayed by real-life father of actress Kate del Castillo--describes his favorite daughter Veronica as merely being "llena de vida".  Even before whole truth is revealed, Teo feels that although Veronica is the one studying acting as career, Virginia is really the more theatrical one, putting on scenes in everyday life like "fainting".  (By the way, a family secret Teo reveals to Demetrio before his wedding to Veronica is the real reason for her father's death.  He was Teo's best friend, and died to save his reputation from being smirched by his enemies in the world of finance; Teo is a bank president, so lie would kill his career and social standing.  Most people erroneously believe her father was killed in drunken street brawl over woman not his wife.) 

For complete capitulos go to www.Telemundo.com   All entire episodes of PARIENTES A LA FUERZA (so far) can be seen  On Demand with www.NBC.com app.

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