Episode 14: "Sin papeles"

 English subtitles https://youtu.be/2hM5WnvhTyQ

Spanish https://youtu.be/ZLjPREoZXBI (no subtitles, but available on NBC app or English version as CC option)

Just noticed Oct 3, 2022 that above link isn't working.  Maybe later will go back and update. Spanish subtitles   https://youtu.be/niE2P13G0Bo

Spanish word "papel" literally means paper, but also is term used for the part, role, or character an actor plays.  May not just be coincidental similarity that at this point in story, Carmen is "sin papel" and "sin papeles".  Clio underlines by saying she and Andy are going to celebrate being the only protagonists of George's movie.  After Carmen sings "La Llorona" (Weeping woman) https://www.letras.com/chavela-vargas/399792/, studio lawyer (whose name that is of an angel, Gabriel) comes to tell Carmen--being undocumented, and no longer having contract that would assist her in getting a work Visa--she has less than thirty days to leave the country.

Elephant figurine with raised trunk (we may now know what Freud would think of that) is seen in room shared by Jurado women when Lara breezes in, and Mama Rosa and Maria making beds wonder why there's so many messages on her phone from Tommy.  Large art book with elephant head photo on cover "just happened" to be on coffee table when lawyer and Leti had recent "date" where she drugged him.   

George tells Margarita who brings him cup of tea on a tray, "Todos los Jurados son mi familia" and asks her and others to stop wearing maid uniforms.  She is again wearing golden headband like a crown as in Ep. 4, "Todos Juntos".  Marga calls him "m'ijo" (son), then changes to more formal "Senor George".   (In humorous bit of business, he keeps trying to take dangling wet tea-bag from her.)  At club, Lulu has on headband of gold color metal and what must be rhinestones (too large to be real precious stones); from what's been seen of her personality, she seems glitz and glitter, without real worth even if her parents may have lots of money.      
Andy asks Clio why she told his father he was in love with Carmen.  "Lo que estas haciendo es crear una pelicula en la cabeza" (which English subtitles translate flatly as "imagining things", ignoring that this choice of metaphor carries out theme of Hollywood film making, stressing that diva is confusing fantasy she creates on screen with the way she treats people in real life, situations which have real consequences).  "Si hubieras escuchado cuando lo trate de explicar, nada esta esta tuviera pasado.  Si sabes que es la mujer de mi papa.  Yo no puedo ni imaginar con ella" (With latter remark, he may sound like he's trying to convince himself.) 

"Nina fresa" Paz has a lot of pink clothes hanging on one side of her walk-in closet.  Paz has warped, twisted values--she doesn't care about or respect Lara's personal feelings or choices about her own body.  Because self-centered Paz fears she'd have to share her own car with Tommy if he loses,  she's trying to help Tommy win his bet with Andy about who will be first to bed Lara (to be fair, Tommy seemed very reluctant to make the bargain).  Juancho isn't only character in story who has gambled away what doesn't belong to him.

Scene with Carmen singing "Sin Ti" at Tenoch's restaurant is followed by one opening with unusual camera angle in George's study, showing his old olive green typewriter (like one I used)*.   Photo of him is briefly seen on lower right of screen, perhaps meant to be from same time as the typewriter, with beard, longer hair and dark lenses so eyes can't be seen; he looks tough, strong--and se xy.  Framed photo will be seen in same place later in story, helping set mood just before usually mild mannered George shows his fiercer side.  Same picture has or will also appear on left side of master bed (when facing foot of bed).

Leti acts very concerned for the welfare of Carmen.  By coming to George in her robe, with makeup removed, she's now trying to appear vulnerable to get past his defenses after her appearance earlier in evening, as glamorized "queen of Beverly Hills" appearance (like she was going to red carpet event) failed to conquer him.  Plus, she has further plans for that night.  When people are all glammed up with makeup like a walking wet oil painting, I worry that gunk may come off on clothing, other people, towels or bed sheets, for example.     

LETI:  No puedo dormir pensando en lo que paso con Carmen.
GEORGE:  Ya deja las cosas asi.
LETI:  No, y dejarte solo asi como estas, triste?  Yo no soy asi.  Pero quedate tranquilo George.  Todo va a estar bien.  Yo lo unico que quiero es que seas feliz.  Y si su felicidad es con Carmen, lo acepto, aunque siento lo que siento por ti...
GEORGE:  Leticia, ya habamos de esto, por favor.
LETI:  George, solo, solo escuchame.  Tengo muy claro que te perdi y no se porque le estoy  contando esto, pero llevo  dias y dias pensando en aquella noche cuando estuvimos juntos por primera vez--te acuerdas?--que no importaba nada, solo importaba tu y yo.  Y fuimos tan felices.  Yo quisiera pedirte que me dejas volver a sentir eso--solo una vez mas.
(Cliff-hanger break for commercials, to leave viewers in suspense...)

LETI:  Solo esta noche.  De las consecuencias ya nos encargaremos manana, si?
GEORGE:  Leticia, por favor!  No vuelvas a intentar eso conmigo.  Te lo he dicho mil veces:  Amo a Carmen!  Y aunque no estemos juntos--por ahora--yo no voy a traicionar ese amor.
LETI:  George, por favor!
GEORGE:  Leticia, te recuerdo, estas casada con Robert, y aunque el tambien me traiciono, no voy a permitir que tu lo enganes como lo hiciste conmigo.  (George walks away from her, leaving Leti stunned, looking like she is trying not to cry, but perhaps more from rage that her wiles are not working on him than from actual heartbreak.)

Tommy sprays himself with cologne (is it same one he "borrowed" from his dad?)  Paz gets big surprise when Tommy mistakes her for Lara and flashes her.  His sister tells him "huele a gigolo", and when he says he thinks it smells good, she witheringly says she thinks it smells like un "abuelito"--a grandpa.  She gets call from Lulu that Lara is with Alan at the club; both siblings rush off to try to prevent him winning the bet.   Cinderella Lara is wearing those glimmering high heels Paz gave her (and she's not used to wearing) and shimmering mini-dress that changes from fuschia pink to yellow; Paz wasn't around to ask if she could borrow for party twins weren't invited to.    By the time siblings arrive, Alan has taken Lara back to Cruz home in search of quieter setting.    

Alan (unknown to him) is using same tactics as Leti, of pretending to be completely honest and caring.  He advises Lara to be wary of Tommy.  "Las aparencias enganen".  What he says should really be applied to him.  


Next day, Leti brings money from watches she stole/sold to Juancho at Emiliano's.  He tells her they are alone, "no hay moros en la costa".  But "partners" are surprised by entrance of Emiliano and Yuli.  Juancho makes Leti hide in closet.  When Yuli criticises Leti, Juancho tries to defuse comments, knowing Leti can hear--and trying not to anger her, as she has not yet given him all the money he needs for to pay his debts.   Lots of mirrors seen in this episode; one round mirror at Emiliano's home reflects him, Yuli and Juancho while first two are unaware of Leti, and latter is all too aware she is listening.
On second visit to Emiliano, Yuli wears top with photo print of blue sky with clouds on which are resting cupids (baby angels copied from a painting).   She brings more food, including favorite dish of Juancho made with BLUE corn.   Red yarn pom poms on chains dangle from her ears (Leti is wearing gold balls on chain earrings and green dress--maybe tie-in to greenbacks she brought to Juancho.  Lawyer also phones her while she's hiding in closet to warn her to come pay him in 20 minutes or he will spill the beans to George.

Yuli fills her father in on what's been happening in the family:  that Carmen is no longer living with them, and Jurado women are working in Cruz home. 
YULI:  La Perricia, como le digo yo, se aprovecha y sus hijos tambien eh, porque me ponen a hacer tareas extras.   
EMILIANO:  Que es eso de Perricia?
YULI:  Es que asi le dicimos de carinos.  Es la ex de George--La Leticia, Perricia.
JUANCHO:  Ah la Letis.  No!  Perate.  No, como le dicen tan fea.  Digo, yo entiendo que sea...pos que la Leti sea medio manipuladora, arribista, chocarrista, y esa una hija de su tiznanda madre (hiding in closet, Leti is making faces of outrage) pero, ya sabes, pero nunca hay que hacerle caso, ni hablar de los que no estan presentes.  Hay que respectar, no?  
YULI:  Ay mira, pos sera lo que sea.  Ahora me como eso.  Ami no me cae bien.  Ni ella ni el Tommys.  Que ahora resulta que anda calenturiendo (got the hots) con la Lara.
JUANCHO:  Que?  Como que le anda metiendo a mi nina? 
YULI:  Yo no'mas le aviso.

Leti sends text to Juancho (whose phone has cock crow ring tone) ordering him to get rid of others so she can leave to see lawyer--unless he wants to pay lawyer himself in same way he wants her to pay.   Juancho gobbles down food, urging others also to eat while it's hot, then clears away before Yuli is done, advising her not to eat more as she's getting chubby (Emiliano silently conveys she looks fine to him).

Going out of sight around corner from closet, Emiliano asks Yuli her opinion on what color bedroom walls should be.  Juancho lets Leti out, telling her to go out quietly as she knows how to do ("arrastrandose"--comparing her to sliding like snake?)   Then he overhears Emi and Yuli are going upstairs to bedroom, but after objecting, lets them go as he's worn out with game of hide and seek he's been playing, saying as final shot to Yuli, go, if you want to become "panzonada" (perhaps implying another way she'd put on weight around her middle is to get pregnant).    

The Curious Case of the Missing Watches or "Stealing time":  As if investigating murder mystery set in English country house full of guests, George tries to solve the case of who took two of his expensive watches and why.  He doesn't care about the material value of his possessions, what concerns him is lack of trust, suspicions infecting his home.

When George first noticed watches were gone, he asked Maria (spraying balcony hand rail) if she knew where they were, as she knows everything that happens in the house.  Maria replies:  "eso era antes, cuando yo era lo unica encargada de la limpieza, pero ahora somos mucho--y todos entren en su recamera".  

Later in kitchen, George tells Mama Rosa and Maria, "Mi casa es un hogar en que reina la confianza.  O sea Maria lo sabe.  Aqui nunca se ha perdido nada.  Si alguna de ustedes sabe quien se tomo los relojes, digales por favor que los devuelvan.   Y y de verdad,  aqui no pasa nada. (nothing will happen to them)

Paz comes in to accuse Lara of stealing her dress--tho she'd earlier told girl she could borrow her clothes--and dress was returned unharmed.   Paz then claims if Lara was capable of taking dress, then she must also have taken watches.  Tommy comes in and remembers his mother's suspicious behavior when she left George's  bedroom hiding something--but he keeps his mouth shut, undecided on what to do, whom to side with.   

Looking back, in this episode many doors are closed in character's faces (figurative and literal in case of Leti) or  to use another metaphor, roadblocks appear.  Carmen is denied one path to being allowed to stay in the country legally.  George rebuffs Leti's advances.  Lara turns down Tommy's invitation, and although Alan claims he is virgin, she's not ready to go all the way with him.  Emiliano literally does unlock door for Yuli to his home (and Juancho lets Leti into same place which he's regarding as his own).   Margarita refuses Tenoch's invitation to stay for Carmen's performance that night, which he also hoped might renew friendship nipped in the bud by his getting drunk.     

Paz blames her father's welcoming the Jurados with open arms as cause for missing items.  "A ver, Daddy, desde que lo abriste los brazos a cuanta gentuza necesitado, en esta casa ya no se puede confiar en nadie, a mucho menos dejar algo sin vigilar".  But as Tommy is beginning to suspect, it was his own "high society" mother--who had abandoned her husband, then forced her way back into their former home--who actually took and sold his father's watches.   Paz also conveniently "forgets" she'd offered Lara loan of her clothes when exploiting her as personal assistant to unpack her suitcase on returning to her old bedroom.    

May just be me, but accusation by Paz for reason of problems in Cruz home reminds me of lines in poem The New Colossus which appear on Statue of Liberty.  

 For complete capitulos go to www.Telemundo.com   All entire episodes of PARIENTES A LA FUERZA (so far) can be seen  On Demand with www.NBC.com app. 

*I wish I still had my grandfather's manual  typewriter (In George's study are old typewriters, souvenirs of his early career). Famous people such as actor Tom Hanks collect such old machines, which have qualities missing from "latest models" of communication devices. Hanks wrote book of short stories all involving typewriters titled "Uncommon Type".  Problems with my eyes make reading computer screens increasingly difficult for me, so I'm trying to write a lot now before prevented by deteriorating vision.  Deceased librarian friend of mine went blind, and so did my late mother.  

I prefer shows and books that make me laugh, about characters I'd like to spend time with.  There's too much grimness in real life as it is.  Remember, 1930's were Golden Age of happy musicals, and screwball comedies.  In 1941 movie SULLIVAN'S TRAVELS, film maker who makes research trip of discovery eventually realizes that laughter is very valuable.  Dedication at start of film says  "To the memory of those who made us laugh: the motley mountebanks, the clowns, the buffoons, in all times and in all nations, whose efforts have lightened our burden a little, this picture is affectionately dedicated.

Entry on Shirley Temple on Wikipedia quotes book: Biographer Anne Edwards wrote about the tone and tenor of Shirley Temple films:

This was mid-Depression, and schemes proliferated for the care of the needy and the regeneration of the fallen. But they all required endless paperwork and demeaning, hours-long queues, at the end of which an exhausted, nettled social worker dealt with each person as a faceless number. Shirley offered a natural solution: to open one's heart.

FDR is also quoted on how for 15 cents ticket, spirits of  movie goers could be lifted by watching cheerful Shirley Temple.   

While I like actress Danna Garcia (loved her as Sebastian's feisty little sister Marcela in original CAFE CON AROMA DE MUJER), Gavilanes has no appeal for me; seems same old same old shallow "suffering" of unrealistic people whose problems and personalities don't interest me at all.  (BTW, did you know that in earlier novela, Dani got her first screen kiss--perhaps her first ever, as she was very young--from a certain Guy who was "muy caballeroso", a real gentleman).  

For mature viewers, more truly sensual are scenes in PALF, fully clothed and no contact, but with dialogue that conveys so much by very talented actors.   Other shows may have more explicit skin shows, but that's boringly superficial to real grownups.  Just rewatched Humphrey Bogart, Lauren Bacall film TO HAVE AND HAVE NOT, in which electricity between soon to be married couple is palpable.  Age difference between two is greater than that of PALF's George and Carmen.  

BTW, the 1944 film is loosely based on story by Ernest Hemingway, but is given upbeat ending, despite screen play being written by William Faulkner--in fact, it's the only movie ever written by two winners of the Nobel Prize for literature.      
One of many reasons I'm enjoying PALF is emphasis on the importance of authenticity over appearance, the deliberate choice of actors who reflect wider range of actual people--more mature and more inclusive of average body types, ages, races etc not often seen on TV main characters.  
I'm also preferring commercials depicting more realistic people, instead of ones in imaginary world where everyone is young and looks like a typical tall and slender--and flavorless--fashion model.  Even twenty years ago or more, some casting directors would complain that women at auditions looked so much alike, as if they'd been produced by cookie cutters (because they'd had similar "work done"--that is, cosmetic surgery), it was hard to tell them apart.

Jamie Lee Curtis revealed that having cosmetic surgery around her eyes to make her look younger resulted in ten year addiction to opioids. https://www.aarp.org/entertainment/celebrities/info-2021/jamie-lee-curtis.html Stop the madness; learn to accept natural appearance can have it's advantages and appeal.  When Barbra Streisand was at beginning of her career, she was warned that if she had operation to reduce size of her nose, it might ruin her singing voice.   Luckily she made right choice instead of trying to be another average "cute button nose".  

Some have also pointed out that parents who've had drastic face-changing surgery for merely cosmetic reasons are sending message to their children that looks they inherited are unacceptable.  I knew wife of a plastic surgeon who quit working in profitable field of people with money who maybe spent too much time looking at themselves in the mirror (long before "selfies"), agonizing over features a shade too big or too small--in their own minds.

Surgeon instead worked in teaching hospital to train others in helping people who needed surgery for medical reasons such as injury and disease--such as missing half of one's jaw.   On PALF, turns out that Sofi's husband Don is a cosmetic surgeon; it may not be much of SPOILER to hear that he tends to side against George's wish to be with "humble", unpretentious, authentic Carmen and her family.    

In episode 82 of PALF,  CLIO advises pregnant woman:  "Que nunca te dijeron que la belleza viene en la actitud?  O sea, tienes que proyectar lo que tienes dentro, sentirte hermosa.  Tienes que creertela.  Sacarle provecho a lo que tienes--esos ojos hermosos, por ejemplo."  

I admire actress who plays her for publicly announcing she decided to remove breast implants for health concerns, and that she wouldn't hide her scars.  

I never cared for Barbie dolls (either plastic munecas or "plastic people" lookalikes--did you ever see opening of original Columbian novela based on book by Gustavo Boliver Moreno?).  I preferred childlike dolls who looked my age,* and creating doll house settings and miniatures for adventures I imagined, some inspired by books.  Another favorite childhood book, EIGHT COUSINS by Louisa May Alcott, may be described in another post. 

*See autobiographical novel BETSY-TACY by Maud Hart Lovelace for description of play with homemade paper dolls who looked age of the girls.

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